
Delta crochet mesh shawl with fringe

Triangle Necklace, purple coated copper beading wire, glass rocailles beads, size 1/2.75mm hook

Mini bracelet, purple coated copper beading wire, glass rocailles beads, size 1/2.75mm hook

Pineapple Plumes doily, #10 cotton thread

Pineapple Doily 1, light blue baby yarn

Pineapple throw, baby yarn (white), J Hook/6.00mm hook, edged in light blue baby yarn

garden twine string bag

First basket, made with postal string

St. Patrick's Day hat (one day project, finished on 17 March 2004)

Sparklehat. Tried doing the cute floppyeared hat thing and it went too floppy and big :(

'Grapes' scarf/boa, red chenille yarn, somewhat based on Lion Brand's Plush Boa pattern.

Two tea cozies for my two teapots, c. February 2004

Remote Control Holder, attached to arm of futon (sewn on), c. March 2004

Giant queensized 7ftx8ft blanket

Red Chenille Yarn lapghan.

Below are two baby blankets I gave to my sister-in-law

(detail of above blanket)

Planets miniblanket. granny squares from this site. goes from top left to right etc. like a book, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

the tiny bears. was going to give them away at wedding but was worried about the kidproofness.

Sad,Pathetic Pink Bunny. Made with scrap yarn from lapghan and gave it to Abi. She likes to gnaw his ears.

Mammy's lapghan. took a few weeks. ~3ftx3ft.

Giant Bee! I orginally made this for polsy but i still have to make proper eyes rather than stickers.

Shawl. forgot when i made this. 3-4ft along the top edge.

Third big project. Abi's blanket. c.Dec02-Jan03 to complete. about 3ftx4ft.

dopey hat i made. first thing i ever did that was in a circle.

Second(?) project. double bed sized blanket, 3lbs of RedHeart yarn I bought in California. 2 months to complete. c.November 2002.
Top bit to use up yarn.

First project. single crochet small prototype blankie. c. August/Sept 2002